Cyber ranges

Cyber Range is a unique software-based virtual environment used for cybersecurity training and the development of dual-use innovative technologies using cyberspace.

Data centres for mission critical exercises

It provides tools that help to strengthen the security and performance of cyber-physical and IT systems of private companies and national and international organisations (such as NATO and the EU), leading to secure, trustworthy products and cyber-savvy personnel.

Cyber ranges are, in essence, high-performance data centres built to provide the basis for real-life, scenario-based, live-fire and table-top cyber security drills for companies and national teams to test, validate and develop their cyber defence products, readiness and capabilities. Cyber range solutions provide tools that help to strengthen the security and performance of IT and cyber-physical systems of private companies and national and international organisations (such as NATO and the EU), leading to secure, trustworthy products and cyber-savvy personnel.

About CR14

Open Cyber Range

Open Cyber Range (OCR) is a virtual environment used for active cyber defence training and technology testing and development. CR14's OCR platform will include tools and products that are not part of the standard cloud service.

The OCR is a cyber range that aims to simplify the process of creating cyber exercises as well as making it more cost effective. It is possible to order and carry out exercises in the traditional way, i.e. by defining needs and goals in cooperation with CR14 staff and conducting the exercise using OCR hardware. Since June 2024, the OCR platform as a whole is ready - using it, the customer can fully design the exercise themselves, using the purpose-built software platform and the scenario definition language (SDL).

The OCR sprouted from the Estonia-Norway collaborative project „Green ICT“ and was funded by Norway Grants. Per the grant terms, the base functionality of the OCR hardware and software platform is free of charge. For more info or identifying collaboration opportunites, please contact our team directly via ocr[at] or for more general inquiries via info[at]

Estonian Cyber Range

The Estonian national CR provides national and bilateral cyber defence training and is the home base for the world's largest international cyber exercises, such as Locked Shields and Crossed Swords.

In addition, CR14, as well as the NATO CCDCOE use this CR for research and development. Since NATO's 2014 Wales Summit, its infrastructure serves as the basis for creating the NATO Cyber Range.

The Estonian national CR is based on more than ten years of operating experience, arguably being one of the earliest establishments of its kind globally.

NATO Cyber Range

NATO CR is a platform and data centre enabling NATO to conduct its largest cyber defence exercises and training, such as the Cyber Coalition and the Coalition Warrior Interoperability exercise (CWIX). CR14 is proud of the opportunity to serve the development of NATO's capacity in this area since 2014 and to support Allies in achieving better preparedness for cyber-attacks.

Classified Cyber Range

Our mission is to explore the art of cyber defence which might sometimes extend beyond the limits of the unclassified.

Creating a safe digital future by cooperating with public and private sectors

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Foundation CR14

Company code: 90015175

VAT EE102380479

Rävala pst 14, Tallinn, 10143, Estonia


+372 717 2382

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